The event was held at Kranz Intermediate School. It was a well attended event with about 150-200 students and parents present. Board of Education member, Irma L. Zamorano, and Baker Principal Roberto Lopez were in attendance showing their support to our students too! There was free continental breakfast provided of fruit, varioius bagels, juice, coffee and milk.
The program began in the cafeteria where guests were treated to a performance of Ballet Folklorico coordinated by Josefina Ortiz. Interim Superintendent Gloria Diaz then greeted the parents and students stressing these two points:
1. Parents must believe that their child can go to college and that going to college must be part of a family's vocabulary.
2. Parents should cultivate the love of reading on their children.
[These are very good points, here at the Crystal C. Chavez Foundation we believe that a college education is possible for every child....he or she must believe that they can do it, and study hard to work towards the goal. Moreover, the child/student can not do it alone, it takes a family effort and parents are critical for support and encouragement as their child goes through the college application process. We also feel that talking about college should be talked about and discussed not only in high school but early on in a student's life like at the elementary level. The early exposure about going to college will prepare the student to properly prepare for college success.]
After the greeting by the Superintendent a video was shown: We Believe in You which was served to inspire and educate the guests about making college happen. Next the parents and students will directed to a classroom for a Cal-SOAP Presentation. Presentations were given in Spanish and English.
Cal-SOAP is administered by the California Student Aid Commission. The California Student Opportunity and Access Program (Cal-SOAP) was established by the state legislature in 1978. Today, Cal-SOAP is instrumental in improving the flow of information about postsecondary education and financial aid while raising the achievement levels of low-income, elementary and secondary school students or geographic regions with documented low-eligibility or college participation rates, and who are first in their families to attend college (
At 10;30am the parents and students were able to visit the booths of the following: Cal Poly, Rio
Hondo College, Art Center College of Design, Mt. Sierra College and Cal-SOAP. The program concluded at 11:00am with a raffle.
We applaud the Mountain View School District for a successful event in helping the communty, students and parents become INFORMED, INSPIRED AND EDUCATED in the path to college.
Together we CAN make COLLEGE HAPPEN for everyone.
Note: The event was made possible by the MVSD Board of Education, Gloria Diaz, Interim Superintendent, Community Liaisons, and Ballet Folklorico. Jorge Ortega, Director of Cal-SOAP. Angelica Sifuentes-Donoso, Director of English Learner and Parent Programs, was the mistress of ceremonies and go-to gal for the day. Kudos to all those involved!
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