Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Tour of Two Rivers: City of El Monte Bike Rally

This event is not an education related one but it is noteworthy cause to support. The City of El Monte is holding a Bike Rally in May in benefit the American Diabetes Association. We are excited that the City of El Monte is promoting a physcial fitness event in the city to get the community healthy and bring nutrition awareness!

Having a healthy body and eating right is essential to be successful in college. Eating the proper foods will increase your energy levels, mental acuity, and do wonders for your skin! Also staying active is very easy at college with all the sports activities, intramurals, club sports and athletic centers.

We hope you support this great event and tell you friends!

When: SATURDAY, MAY 16, 2009

Where: PIONEER PARK, 3535 Santa Anita Avenue, El Monte, California

What: 16 Mile, 2.5 Hour leisuely Bike Tour along the Rio Hondo and San Gabriel Rivers (rated "Easy')

Time: 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Check in at 8:30 a.m. Ride 9-11:30; Lunch 11:30-1:00, EXPO 10:00-1:30pm

Ride and learn about cycling safely and touring, the Emerald Necklace and Whiittier Narrows, healthy nutrition and Diabetes Awareness!

Costs: $5 per Cyclist, $10 after 4/2/09
Reservations Required to insure T-Shirt. CAll City Manager's office at: 626-580-2001 Monday-Thursday 8am-5:30pm.

Online application:

Log on to web address above, on your left under Quick Links you will see Bike Rally tab.

*Raffles-Bike Displays-Diabetes Info*

Bring your helmet, it's the law!

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