Thursday, May 21, 2009

Did you hug a veteran today?

Memorial Day is on May 25, 2009. It a very special day in America where we take time aside to honor our veterans and our men and women who serve our flag.

It is because of the fallen who have given their lives for freedom that we are free today. I support our troops and remember of veterans. We are free and safe to reach our American Dream because of those who have worn and wear a uniform. Don't forget to thank our soldiers when you see one and hug a veteran!

I'm happy and blessed to live in this great land called America. The land of opportunity and the home of the brave. A place where dreams are made and where the people are free Our people ae faithful and our values strong. Our land is vast and our hope and optimism is eternal. We believe in strong families and free markets. We welcome outsiders with open arms and fight for what we believe in right. This is America, and there is no other place I would rather live my life.

So, where will your American Dream take you? For I know that America's best days are ahead of us and we will march onwards for a greener, healthier, safer and prosperous nation where we honor the past while inventing the future. Keep reaching your dreams-and let me know how I can help. Choose to make it a crystallic day!

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